Join us for the Innovation Leaders Club event and step into a new season with visionary ideas and strategic insights! We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Maher Hakim as our keynote speaker—a globally renowned expert in innovation and entrepreneurship, bringing his expertise from the USA and Qatar.
Season Opening. Estonia’s Innovation Edge: Corporate Strategies for Success
Season finale: Partnering with Corporates for Global Expansion – Case Studies from the Nordics
Join us on June 19th for an insightful event designed to empower businesses through strategic partnerships with corporates.
Eksimuste õhtu: uudsed lahendused inimeste leidmisel ja hoidmisel
Seekordsel Innovatsiooniliidrite Klubi üritusel toome teie ette isiklikud ja õpetlikud lood, mis on seotud ettevõttesse heade inimeste leidmise ja hoidmisega. Räägime muuhulgas, milliseid uudseid lahendusi inimeste leidmisel ja värbamisel on proovitud, kuidas nende ellurakendamisel on eksitud ning milliste uuendusteni see omakorda viinud on.
Äri ja teadus – samalt või eri planeetidelt?
Innovatsiooniliidrite klubi seekordne üritus viib kokku teaduse ja äri ning aitab kummutada müüte, et teaduse integreerimine äritegevusse on ettevõtjale midagi väga keerulist, bürokraatlikku ja elitaarset ning sobib üksnes süvateadusega tegelejatele. Tutvustame Eesti Teadusagentuuri (ETAG) poolt pakutavaid lahendusi, kuidas teadust enda äri kasuks rakendada ning uurime, milliseid rahastusvõimalusi on olemas innovaatilistele ettevõtetele. Oma kogemuslugusid jagavad uuendusmeelsed ettevõtted R8Technologies, Kerogen, GScan ning Krediidiregister.
Empowering Business with AI: Learning from Dynatrace
AI has been a popular buzzword for a while now. There are companies that are aggressively experimenting with AI and seeking new opportunities that it unlocks. Meanwhile, there are also companies that stand aside and hesitate a bit. Is there a right option, and if it is right for everyone, let's meet up and see.
Iduettevõtte-suurettevõtte matchmaking 5: Kuidas ESG aitab finantse juhtida?
ESG on muutunud üha olulisemaks märksõnaks ja peatselt on sellest saanud pea kõiki organisatsioone läbiv juhtimise ja arendamise meede.
SCALE-ABLE Kick-off Seminar: How to Unlock Scaleup-Corporate Collaboration Potential?
SCALE-ABLE project invites you to join valuable kick-off seminar. 10 AM to 11.30 AM CET11 AM to 12.30 PM EET
Canadian Innovation Leader’s Club x Innovation Leaders Club Estonia: Innovation Strategies on an international scale
12.30-13.00 Registration & snacks13.00-13.05 Opening remarks13.05-13.10 Introduction to Canada Innovation Leaders Club – History, goals, members by Dave Caissy (Canada, New York City, and Paris Innovation Leaders Club founder). 13.10-13.55 Build an Innovation Strategy - Identify and Select strategic arenas 13.55-14.25 WORKSHOP 1: Identify and Select strategic arenas14.25-14.35 Break 14.35-14.50 Build an Innovation Strategy – Plan an innovation programme 14.50-15.15 Panel discussion about innovation project management & innovation strategies.Moderator: Heidi Kakko (Chairman Of The Supervisory Board of UniTartu Ventures, member of the Research and Development Council);Participants: Dave Caissy (Canada, New York City, and Paris Innovation Leaders Club founder); TIP programme graduate representative – Laura Klemmer (Mobire Head of Commercial) 14.15-15.30 WORKSHOP 2: Build an Innovation Strategy - Plan an innovation program 15.30-15.35 Final remarks 15.35-16.10 Networking
IV hooaja avaüritus – “Icosageni külastus: Kuidas suurendada ettevõttes T&A&I investeeringuid ja arendada maailmamuutvaid tehnoloogiaid?”
Innovatsiooniliidrite klubi IV hooaja avaüritus toimub teisipäeval, 26. septembril Icosageni tehases Tartus. Selle hooaja avakohtumise teemaks on „Kuidas suurendada ettevõttes T&A&I investeeringuid ja arendada maailmamuutvaid tehnoloogiaid?“
Season finale: Innovation Capacity of Nordic companies – best practices
The main idea of the event is to give an overview of Estonia’s position in the Global Innovation Index, including insights from the ministry regarding investments into innovation and next steps to support economic growth. The event will be opened by Mart Võrklaev, who is the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Estonia.